Gravel Gardens
Railway Cottage Garden
The garden belongs to a former railway worker cottage so the use of sleepers seemed fitting. The garden had to be low maintenance and has been planted with a mixture of easy going shrubs and perennials in a lemon yellow and blue colour scheme. It features climbing Roses, blue Geraniums, Salvias, Sisyrinchium and Asters. Evergreen shrubs hold the scheme together and will quickly grow to create height and weight in the area, helping to soften the intersection between the rear patio and the planted area.

The Sleeper Path links with the history of the cottage.

This tiny cottage had to find room for three large wheelie bins. we moved two into a store in the front garden and kept the green bin here in the back

The Railway Sleepers are made from concrete which means that they don't become slippery during the winter.

Blue Salvia and Geranium combined with lemon yellow Santolina

Sisyrinchium striatum, Phlomis russeliana and Verbena bonariensis

Sisyrinchium striatum

The lemon yellow foxgloves are a magnet for bees!
Garden with Raised Beds Enfield
This garden is very shallow and wide. The previous layout of a straight raised bed running along the rear boundary served to bring attention to this and draw the eye to the long expanse of fencing. We have given the garden a new feeling of depth with a design on the diagonal axis and by bringing forward the planting areas into the central part of the garden. The existing lawn has been divided into two distinct and functional zones, a paved dining space and a grassy play area for the children. The photographs were taken six months after planting so with time the trees and shrubs will grow to further break up the view of the boundary.

Circular Garden Palmers Green
This tiny garden was built on a very tight budget. Grey paint was used to unify the boundaries shed and picnic table and existing paving was reutilised as a stepping stone path. The circular shaped gravel area helps to hold the eye within the garden and the fences will soon be clothed in Roses and Climbing Hydrangea. Seen here one season after planting the shrubs are still very small but by next year they will beging to make more of an impact

The seating areas are positioned to enjoy the sunshine at different times of day.

The bower supports clematis and honeysuckle

The existing picnic table, fence and shed were all painted grey.