Large Gardens
Japanese Inspired Garden Hadley Wood
The owners of this large garden in Hadley wood wanted a curvaceous design which would fit with their existing rectilinear deck. We achieved this by keeping a strong sense of geometry and contrasting the rectangles with circles. Following a visit to Japan, they also wanted to include a taste of what they had seen there.
A millboard deck with a simple pergola, hovers over a large circular pond, stocked with plants and fish. A new bench will be placed here from which they can watch the wildlife. The screen hides two very large storage sheds which had to remain but were not to be seen from the house or terrace.
A second larger seating area was required at the sunny end of the garden to catch the evening sun. The furniture is yet to be purchased and will include a fire pit.
In recognition of their love for Japanese gardens, two rock features have been included: Three Angel Stone Monoliths rise out of a sea of pebbles and clipped evergreen shrubs, beside the terrace. At the far end of the garden, three large boulders have been placed within a circle of cobbles to lighten up the deep shade under the oak trees. This was a difficult area, where nothing previously grew. It has now been planted with flowering woodland shrubs and perennials, supported by a watering system.

View from the terrace

Cloud pruned evergreen shrubs add to the Japanese feel.

Orange Geums with Japanese Maple and Cotinus.

Growth after a few months after planting.

The stone circle complements the shape of the pond.

Woodland shrubs and perennials provide flowers in the Spring and Summer and colourful Autumn leaves.

The stone circle is planted with low growing mat forming ground cover and a small sculptural Acer.
Arbour Garden High Barnet
The strong geometry of the design for this large Barnet garden, complements the new extension and contemporary raised patio area. Viewed from above, the tall Cupressa hedge had the effect of foreshortening the garden. By creating two lawns with planting between and breaking up the mass of the hedge with tall planting and an arbour, the garden appears longer. The client, a keen gardener, wanted lots of seasonal interest, including exciting perennials in jewel colours. Biennials, such as, Digitalis ferruginea and Angelica gigas were added to give an extra zing to the borders.

Offset stepping stone paths and two rectangle lawns break up the garden.

The view back to the house

The Two large Japanese Maple trees and a conical Holly give instant maturity to the garden.

The bench and arbour provide two different positions from which to enjoy the garden.

Creeping thyme will eventually fill the gaps between the paving stones.

Gothic Arbour from Stuart Garden Architecture

The planting on the right side of the garden is suited to its shady position.

A simple woodstore, constructed on site is painted to blend in with the fences.
Large Family Garden in Vienna
This large family garden has been built for a beautiful apartment block, in Vienna. It will be a low maintenance garden which is designed to be viewed from the surrounding tall buildings while also providing a tranquil setting for the owners to relax. There are stepping stone paths winding through woodland planting, a newly seeded circular lawn, gazebo and two seating areas. Our plan for the space is based upon circles for contemporary yet relaxed feel. Two existing birches will remain providing dappled shade to the dining area during the hot summers. Three more small trees, Japanese Maples, have been planted to provide height and to enhance the woodland feel requested by the clients.

View from the Appartment

Stone spirals provide interest around the trees where nothing will grow

Planting under the trees for dry shade.

The dining area in the shade will take a large family dining set

A newly planted hedge will eventually screen the shed.

Roses, Aquilegia and Geranium