Long Suburban Gardens
Productive Garden Palmers Green
This is a hardworking garden with two seating areas, to catch the morning and evening sun, a large lawn and a vegetable area. We created a more interesting feel by shaping the lawn and giving the two patios a curved upper edge. The planting scheme is blue, yellow and vibrant pink in a cottage style with plenty of scented plants which were particularly asked for.

Sandstone Patio and Lawn in Summer

Perennial garden plants with curvaceous lawn

Sandstone paving

Gravel seating area

Garden arches

Bistro Set for morning sun.

Lettaces, Corgettes and Broccoli

Salvia and Geum

The garden in Autumn

Geraniums flowering in May
Family Garden Palmers Green
This long, narrow garden was made to appear wider and more interesting with the addition of diagonally slanting oval lawns, a new paving area and a deep planting area to the rear. The side return was updated and a steep sloping section replaced with two shallow steps.

A sleeper path leads to a shady seating area.

The new patio has plenty of room for family dining

Attractive Matching Pots contain Olive Trees and Mahonia 'Soft Caress'

Woodland Bed in May


Phlomis, Penstemon and Acanthus in June

When it has finished flowering the Phlomis has interesting seed heads.

Long Shady Garden
This garden is extremely long and shady. The existing layout of a rectangular lawn with a flowerbed running up each side was boring and made the garden feel empty. We divided the garden into two more intimate spaces consisting of oval lawns, connected by a stepping stone path. A new bench was placed to receive the best sun with a view across the garden to a birdbath. Retaining some of the larger existing shrubs and the two trees where the lawns meet, give the planting an immediate sense of maturity and helps to connect the garden to the wider woodland landscape.

Before we began