Garden Build in Vienna
Last week Anne and I visited Vienna in order to plant up our latest garden design.

The logistics of organising the garden build from such a long distance was made much easier with the help of our chosen landscaper, Herr Mauthe. After a meeting with him earlier in the year, on site, he was able to build the garden and supply the plants ensuring that everything was ready for our final visit.

We were pleased to have the assistance of his team on site as the remains of a previous garden were hidden 30cm beneath the surface of the existing lawn. They must have removed a skip load of bricks and concrete in the process of planting up the new scheme.

The sett path will curve around the newly seeded circular lawn and connect the central dining area with the two seating areas at the rear of the garden.

Beneath the trees where nothing is likely to grow well Anne has used pebbles to create interest.

To the right hand side of the garden where the boundary is a wire fence we are able to enjoy the borrowed landscape of the neighbouring gardens. This gives a welcome sense of space as the garden is surrounded on three sides by tall buildings.

Two stepping stone paths meander through the woodland planting which will fill out to cover the ground over the next couple of years.

Later this year the Gazebo will be built in the top right hand corner on its hexagonal base and a large dining table and chairs will sit on the circular area of self binding gravel. Once the lawn has grown the sunny rear end of the garden will be a comfortable place to relax or play.