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Return to the Barbican Roof Garden

Our Blog has got rather sidelined over the last months as we have been so busy but I did promise to return to the Barbican to see how Nigel Dunnett's planting scheme had evolved. This year I must make a note in my calendar to visit in June/July but for the time being here are some late Autumn photos.

Roof Garden in October.

The colourful flowers have faded leaving behind an array of interesting seedheads. The sunlight glowing through the fluffy heads of Miscanthus 'Undine' catch your eye from a distance.

The flat seedheads of Achilliea ‘Terracotta’ contrast with the spherical heads of Phlomis russelliana. Still flowering, is the white Gaura lindheimeri ‘Whirling Butterflies’ and Verbena bonariensis.

Continuing to look tidy and architectural, is the Euphorbia that we saw flowering in the Spring. It is a good looking plant whatever the season.

In the shadier area the fluffy seedheads of Aster macrophyllus ‘Twilight’ mix with Anemone japonica ‘Honorine Jobert’

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